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Computers Will Overcome Humans – Facts Behind The Myth


Can computers overcome humans?

Computers and humans have the same qualities and abilities — but, in reality, they don't.

Computer-based machines are fast, more accurate, and consistently rational, but they aren't intuitive, emotional, or culturally sensitive.

The concept of robots triumphing over humans may have some inextricable connection to the idea of sentient machines.

It is expected that computers, machines, and robots will someday match, if not surpass, human intellect.

Achieving a degree of intelligence superior to that of humans would require duplicating, performing, and going beyond critical distinguishing characteristics of human beings, such as high-level cognition linked with conscious perception.

Human Brain Capabilities

Some capabilities of the human brain, like moralities, outperform it compared to AI.

Morality and ethics are high-level thinking distinguishing between appropriate and wrong actions and intentions.

Morality is a multifaceted behavior affected by circumstance, subjectivity, and awareness.

A cognitive system radically distinct from the anthropocentric science fiction concept might be one alternative for overcoming human capacities.

A living machine, in this sense, is a unitary system or network of processes that may renew via their interactions and ongoing alteration.

Moral quandaries are simple because they do not need any particular expertise, yet they are also exceedingly difficult, even for humans.

They need a thorough comprehension of each scenario and reflection to balance moral repercussions, emotions, and best responses.

Until now, brains have been the only systems that had these processes, and studying how they operate will help us understand what would need to be replicated in robots.

Machine Types

  • Machine-Machine Type 0 Cognition: Machines and robots with Type 0 Cognition lack consciousness. These systems can't know what they know to calculate and solve issues. According to A Subset of Human Capacities, Machine-Machine is not intelligent, and their processes are low cognitive capabilities in humans. High-learning-curve robots are examples.
  • Conscious-Machine Type 1 Cognition: Conscious-Machine Type 1 Cognition would have awareness and all the processes of type 1 cognition in humans. This is a sophisticated computer, but it can't regulate its "contents'" inner manipulations. As with humans, they will provide inaccurate answers to basic questions like cognitive fallacy questions due to first-level interference/interaction across networks (holistic information). However, certain optimum or particular algorithmic computations may become intractable.
  • Super Machine Type 2 Cognition: Super Machine Type 2 Cognition is the most human-like machine. If this machine can acquire awareness and self-reference (not only computationally), it should reveal "thoughts" connected with logical and emotional processes. They'll have moral reasoning in this situation, even if it's distinct from human morals. As with human groups and even human individuals, robots may acquire morality, which may be non-anthropocentric. Moral reasoning requires attributing acceptable and improper actions depending on the system's values about the environment, peers, and oneself, using a balance of intellectual and emotional intelligence. If a machine has consciousness and self-reference, it will acquire self-reflection, confidence, empathy, and other moral processes. In these robots, "contents" are aware, and the cognitive function is purposeful and regulated owing to recursive and continuous interference from multiple networks (e.g., reasoning).
  • Subjective-Machine Type∞ Cognition: Subjective-Machine Cognition is distinct from human intellect, even though it can approach certain traits. Type cognition lacks consciousness but retains self-reference. While self-reference as a type of monitoring without consciousness has been described in humans, no apparent connection is made here. Hypothesis about this type of machines is related to Supra reasoning information emerged from the organization of intelligent parts of this supra system (e.g., Internet), where plans would show some special kind of self-reflection, sense of confidence, even when they probably won't be able to extract meaning from their own "contents," or if they can, it will be different than humans.

Applications Of Conscious Machines

A more comprehensive theory of consciousness is required, connecting complicated behavior to physical foundations, and neuromorphic technologies are needed to put these ideas into practice.

From these categories, four kinds of machines may be defined as incorporating awareness into machines and their constraints.

If we can bridge the gap and create aware machines with type 1 or 2 cognition, they will lose their essential qualities as computers.

Unless they wish to work with humanity, any sentient machine is no longer a helpful machine.

It may be regarded as a biological new species rather than just a machine or computer.

Machines with type 1 or type 2 cognition will never reach human capacities, and if they do, they will have certain limits similar to humans.

Science should not rely on anthropocentric assumptions or compare machine intelligence to the human intellect to create better robots.

Type 0 and cognition without anthropomorphic needs will be better robots.

There are two methods of artificial intelligence (AI):

(1) The Biological-Academic Approach aims to acquire human intelligence for academic purposes.

(2) Efficient way to develop better robots and technology that can assist us with challenging jobs or increase human performance.

Can Computers Think Like Humans

Deep learning in computers operates similarly to how scientists believe the human brain works.

The brain is made up of around 100 billion neurons.

According to the researchers, the connections between these neurons shift as individuals acquire new tasks.

A computer is experiencing something similar.

However, human brains can learn a lot on their own. To train the computer, a large amount of data is required.

Many computer professionals believe Al can be developed, while certain humanists disagree, claiming that there are fundamental reasons why a machine can never think like a human.

How would we know if a machine can think like a human?

It is widely assumed among Al circles that if a computer could pass the Turing Test, the aims of artificial intelligence would be realized. Alan M. Turing, a British mathematician and computer specialist who died in 1954, inspired the creation of this exam.

Humanists offer three reasons for believing that developing a machine capable of thinking like a human would be impossible.

The first is the human ability to reason.

They claim that computers will never be able to reason intuitively because they only utilize rules, but humans use a delicate and sophisticated type of inference from experience.

A girl with black shirt in light of different colors
A girl with black shirt in light of different colors


Given the limits of this technique, a machine-like brain with awareness interaction may be an option for implementing high intelligence in machines and robots.

Even if this alternative is not predictable nor regulated and raises numerous ethical concerns, it is one option that may enable us to construct a mechanism for a sentient machine.

If this theory is correct and the implementation gap can be bridged, any machine with awareness based on brain dynamics may have high cognitive qualities.

However, some types of intelligence would be more developed than others since, by definition, their information processing would be akin to brains with these constraints.

Finally, these machines would be autonomous in the most human meaning of the word.

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